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Ch. 26 - Our Lord's Ministry in Perea and Judea

An audio recording of chapter 26 of James E. Talmage's classic work, Jesus the Christ. Read by Bradley Ross. Music from Lara St. John, used by permission via The original text of this item, including footnotes and endnotes, is available from Project Gutenberg:

Jesus rejected in Samaria.—James and John reproved for revengeful desire.—The Seventy charged and sent.—Their return.—A lawyer's question.—Parable of Good Samaritan.—Martha and Mary.—Ask and receive.—Parable of Friend at Midnight.—Criticism on Pharisees and lawyers.—Parable of Foolish Rich Man.—The unrepentant to perish.—Parable of Barren Fig Tree.—A woman healed on the Sabbath.—Many or few to be saved?—Jesus warned of Herod's design


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