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Showing posts from August, 2021

Ch. 36 - In the Realm of Disembodied Spirits

An audio recording of chapter 36 of James E. Talmage's classic work, Jesus the Christ. Read by Bradley Ross. Music from Lara St. John, used by permission via The original text of this item, including footnotes and endnotes, is available from Project Gutenberg: Actuality of the Lord's death.—Condition of spirits between death and resurrection.—The Savior among the dead.—The gospel preached to the spirits in prison

Ch. 35 - Death and Burial

An audio recording of chapter 35 of James E. Talmage's classic work, Jesus the Christ. Read by Bradley Ross. Music from Lara St. John, used by permission via The original text of this item, including footnotes and endnotes, is available from Project Gutenberg: On the way to Calvary.—The Lord's address to the daughters of Jerusalem.—The crucifixion.—Occurrences between the Lord's death and burial.—The burial.—The sepulchre guarded

Ch. 34 - The Trial and Condemnation

An audio recording of chapter 34 of James E. Talmage's classic work, Jesus the Christ. Read by Bradley Ross. Music from Lara St. John, used by permission via The original text of this item, including footnotes and endnotes, is available from Project Gutenberg: The Jewish trial.—Christ before Annas and Caiaphas.—The illegal night court.—The morning session.—False witnesses and unrighteous conviction.—Peter's denial of his Lord.—Christ's first arraignment before Pilate.—Before Herod.—Second appearance before Pilate.—Pilate's surrender to Jewish clamor.—The sentence of crucifixion.—Suicide of Judas Iscariot

Ch. 33 - The Last Supper and the Betrayal

An audio recording of chapter 33 of James E. Talmage's classic work, Jesus the Christ. Read by Bradley Ross. Music from Lara St. John, used by permission via The original text of this item, including footnotes and endnotes, is available from Project Gutenberg: Judas Iscariot in conspiracy with the Jews.—Preparations for the Lord's last Passover.—The last supper of Jesus with the Twelve.—The traitor designated.—Ordinance of washing of feet.—Sacrament of the Lord's Supper.—The betrayer goes out into the night.—Discourse following the supper.—The High-Priestly Prayer.—The Lord's agony in Gethsemane.—The betrayal and the arrest